Oral Presentation Guideline
- Oral presentations are organised in sessions scheduled in one presentation room, the Tun Hussain Onn (THO) Hall. The presentations are indicated in the programme, along with the presentation time of each talk.
- Each oral presentation is 15 minutes long (12 minutes + 3 minutes of Q&A) except for the Invited Speaker presentation (15 minutes + 5 minutes of Q&A) and the Keynote Presentation (15 minutes + 5 minutes of Q&A). The presentation length includes time for changeover and discussion. The allocated presentation time cannot be exceeded.
- On-site presenters must give a live presentation. Virtual presenters are strongly recommended to present live to benefit from audience feedback and questions. A pre-recorded talk may be submitted in exceptional cases.
- Prepare the presentation slides in PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) or PDF format.
Slide Submission
- Please email your presentation file to registration@icacgp-igac2024.com at least one day before your presentation date.
On the Day of Presentation
- Visit the Secretariat or Registration Desk. Arrive early to check on your slides and receive instructions on the presentation procedure.
- For any questions or additional assistance, email registration@icacgp-igac2024.com.