Session 4: Atmospheric Chemistry in the Changing Earth System 

Co-Chairs: Yugo Kanaya, Evelyne Touré, Maheswar Rupakheti, and Bert Verreyken (ECR)

Atmospheric chemical composition is highly impacted by environmental processes involving changes in the Earth’s surface system (land, oceans, cryosphere, and ecosystems) and human activities. In turn, atmospheric chemistry also affects the Earth system. This session covers recent findings from observational and modelling studies on these interactions and feedback. Air pollutants, oxidants, aerosols, precursor gases, and greenhouse gases are all of our interests here. We welcome presentations on 1) emissions from intensified wildfires and their impact, 2) interactions with changing sea/ice/snow/land cover state (deposition, emission, heterogeneous chemistry etc.), including biological gas/aerosol emissions, 3) biogeochemical cycles and feedbacks relevant to climate and environmental change, and 4) coupled human-natural system change relevant to atmospheric chemistry. Interdisciplinary studies relevant to SOLAS (Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study) and iLEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem–Atmosphere Processes Study) projects are also welcomed.

ECR: Early-Career Researcher